Managing stress with mindful eating

Quote of the Day:

“When walking, walk. When eating, eat.”

~ rashaski · Zen Proverb


One of the major struggles of modern day life is trying to do too much in a short amount of time. Often what is sacrificed is the purely enjoyable experience of a eating a meal slowly – with our full attention and awareness. One place that eating becomes more of a chore on the to do list is at work. When I facilitate self-care workshops I often hear employees saying, “I don’t have time to eat lunch” or “my lunch is interrupted by phone calls and colleagues stopping by to make requests.”

Sound familiar?

The problem with skipping meals or rushing through them is that we tend to either under or overeat. Ultimately we are not getting the nutrients we need to maintain our energy levels and our productivity is then drastically compromised. If we give ourselves permission to take 10 minutes to enjoy our meal, not only do we end up feeling more satisfied, we have the energy to stay focused and accomplish our goals for the day.

Today’s practice:

Try eating a mindful breakfast, lunch or dinner, alone or with another. For breakfast, get up 10 minutes earlier so you have time to eat with your full attention. Savor each bite of your favorite meal. I can’t leave the house without eggs for breakfast. They pack protein and keep me full throughout the morning. Often we boil eggs and keep them refrigerated, which is a quick healthy meal.

For lunch, turn off the computer and ringer and set your timer for 10 minutes. Clear the desk. Or better yet if it’s a nice day go outside. Smell the aroma of the food you are about to enjoy. Notice its texture, taste, smell and savor each bite.

Turn off all screens at dinner. Spend at least 30 minutes with your family enjoying each other’s company. Look at each other. Talk to one another. Spend some time in silence too. If you feel moved say a prayer or gratitude for this meal and shared time together. Say thank you to all the people who helped bring this food to the table. Savor every bite and enjoy quality time with your loved ones.